The software is available globally for free and does not require any license, enabling users to access PayPass Tap-and-Go contactless payments directly from their smartphone.

According to a data compiled by Juniper Research, NFC-enabled phones are expected to be responsible for sales exceeding $75bn by 2013 and currently MasterCard has approved more than 70 models as Mobile PayPass compatible devices, and this trend seems to be growing.

The programmer-friendly technology helps application developers to deliver payment applications to consumers, without having to become smart card programming experts.

MasterCard group executive Mung Woo said consumers are gaining comfort and familiarity with mobile and contactless payments, requiring the financial institutions and mobile network operators that offer these services to ensure a consistent and positive experience.

"As we continue to lead the industry with mobile and contactless payments innovations, we saw an opportunity to simultaneously help our partners and improve the overall user experience," Woo added.

MasterCard manages one of the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 geographies and territories.