Third Financial said that the tercero Wealth Workstation enhances Maseco’s client relationship management (CRM), ensures accurate transparent investment management with quality web reporting feature and it offers specific portfolio accounting options for its US clients.

According to the Third Financial, the tercero Wealth Workstation is now live and operational at the Maseco’s offices in London, Zurich and Geneva and it is being currently used by all 21 employees.

The wealth management platform is expected to offer Maseco a return on investment in 18 months.

Third Financial a founding director of Gary Linieres said by providing Maseco with an integrated and intuitive platform, they can not only offer high quality online reporting to their clients, but most importantly achieve operational efficiencies through automation.

"Maseco is our first client that specialises in the US and US expat market and demonstrates our platform’s ability to cater for specific client needs," Linieres said.