Man Investments, an alternative asset manager and Dexion Capital Group, a UK-based hedge fund advisory and marketing firm, have launched Man AHL Diversity, a new UCITS III (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) trend following product. The product will be managed by AHL, a division of Man Investments.
Reportedly, Man AHL Diversity is designed as a portfolio diversifier, aimed at sophisticated UK investors. Investors will be able to access the sterling denominated product with a minimum initial investment of £100 from the product’s launch in October 2009.
According to the Man Investments, Man AHL Diversity has exposure to more than 90 global markets and 29 international exchanges trading 24 hours a day, following trends in everything from currencies and interest rates to agricultural assets and metals.
Robin Bowie, chairman of Dexion, said: “We are delighted to be joining with Man in marketing this outstanding product. For many years, private investors all around the world have enjoyed the returns and low correlation to traditional asset classes offered by AHL. For the first time, UK investors will be able to access AHL via a UCITS III product.”