Malauzai said its platform is based on three critical tenants: Social Banking, Application Management System, and Mobile Marketing.
Social Banking is the intersection of mobile banking and social media, which combine mobile banking, social media and Rewards Gamification, enabling banks to increase referrals, build usage, and cross-sell new products and services.
Application Management System (AMS) – Malauzai claims that its mobile banking SmartApps will create a better end-user experience with greater customer satisfaction. Will enable banks to easily manage multiple SmartApp programs.
The Malauzai AMS solution focuses on the real-time publishing and management of SmartApps across technology platforms, providing the capability to give end users a completely customizable, segment-specific SmartApp.
Mobile Marketing – The SmartApp Marketing and Messaging Engine (SMME) provides an advanced framework enabling a bank or credit union to cross-sell and up-sell directly within the Social Banking experience.
According to the company, the engine will enable banks and credit unions to create highly segmented and targeted marketing messages within the SmartApp. Through analytics, banks will be able to measure marketing messages, maximizing marketing ROI and driving revenue.