The Linux Foundation has announced that it will offer an affinity Visa Platinum credit card for people who want to contribute to its Linux operating system through Linux Foundation initiatives. The Linux Foundation is partnering with CardPartner, to offer the affinity Linux credit card through UMB Bank.
The Linux Foundation would receive $50 for every activated card as well as a percentage of every purchase made with the credit card. All funds from the Visa card program will go directly towards providing community technical events and travel grants for open source community members.
Jim Zemlin, executive director of The Linux Foundation, said: “This credit card is in response to requests by individuals who want to get involved and support the Linux Foundation’s community activities. Some people write code while others work on marketing or defending Linux. The Linux-branded credit card is an easy way for anyone to contribute to the growth of Linux and identify themselves as supporters of the community by carrying Tux in their pocket.”
Linux uses funds from a variety of revenue streams to sustain these services. Proceeds from the affinity Linux Foundation Visa Card will complement other funding sources such as member dues, events, and advertising.