With the addition of PhoenixEFE, Lakeside’s use of Harland Financial Solutions products and services is expanded to include real-time core processing, electronic funds transfer (EFT), teller, deposit origination, financial management, executive dashboard and management analysis, Outlook integration and various reporting capabilities.

Jeff Miller, CIO of Lakeside Bank, said: “The fact that PhoenixEFE integrates best-of-breed Harland Financial Solutions applications with its proven core technology is a huge benefit for us in terms of efficiency and cost savings.

“With our former solution, we were spending huge amounts of money on integration – and these weren’t best-of-breed solutions like the ones offered by Harland Financial Solutions. PhoenixEFE changes all of that. We believe we’ll be able to increase our capabilities, our efficiencies and have the tools we need to best serve our customers – that’s a winning proposition.”

Don Anderson, executive vice president and COO of Lakeside Bank, said: “The PhoenixEFE technology platform will speed time-to-market and give us the flexibility we need to respond to changing market demands quickly. We’re known for our ability to craft solutions to help small and mid-sized businesses prosper.

“With PhoenixEFE, we have the agility to adjust strategy and offer the new services our customers need, and we need to stay competitive. Just as important, we know the system has the scalability to grow with us.”

Ana Benitez, senior vice president of operations and BSA at Lakeside, said: This Microsoft-based architecture also works to enhance customer service by providing a single, comprehensive customer view. With PhoenixEFE, we can easily see the entire picture of that customer’s portfolio without logging into multiple programs. We’ll also have the ability to target special offers to specific VIP clients without having to develop a whole new product solution.”

Raju Shivdasani, president of Harland Financial Solutions, said: “Today, institutions like Lakeside Bank are challenged to operate efficiently by reducing costs, while still going to market with the innovative products and solutions that differentiate them in a competitive market space. PhoenixEFE offers the breadth and agility to accomplish those goals. We look forward to partnering with Lakeside Bank, and to help drive their future success.”