According to the company, the focus of the new location, which will be headed by Andrea Torlonia, will be similar to the one in Milan, namely on providing investment advice and wealth management.

Torlonia joins Julius Baer from Duemme Sgr (Banca Esperia), where he was head of institutional client management during the last eight years.

The new location is aimed at strengthening the firm’s ties with the Italian capital and to be closer to the investors from the centre and south of the country.

Julius Baer SIM CEO Gian Paolo Bardelli said Julius Baer wants to continue the Group’s expansion in Italy, providing consultancy services which are highly specialised and tailored to the clients’ needs.

"I believe it is impossible to offer an excellent service without the permanent presence of our relationship managers on site. The opening of our Rome office will allow us to be even closer to our clients, and to reinforce our bond with them," Bardelli said.