BondDesk offers fixed income technology and operator of the largest odd-lot fixed income alternative trading system (ATS) in the US.

Based in BondDesk’s New York City headquarters, Bagley has more than 25 years of expertise of retail bond sales and trading experience and most recently he was working as head of Municipal Trading, underwriting and institutional sales at UBS, the firm said.

In his new role at BondDesk, he will manage institutional and retail trading platforms, such as BondDesk’s market-leading ATS.

BondDesk CEO Kim Bang said, "John brings the right mix of skills and experience to help us expand our leadership position. With market structure and regulatory issues pushing an evolution of the fixed income market like never before, we are confident that John is the right person to lead our team and we look forward to his contributions."

BondDesk Group is a financial technology company, which caters enterprise-wide fixed income solutions to a community of over 2,000 investment firms, including many of the top broker-dealers in North America.