iShares, a provider of exchange traded funds, has launched four new fixed income exchange traded funds on the London Stock Exchange in response to demand from investors for a better range of exposure to bond markets.

iShares has said that its new products will provide access to investment grade debt, as well as exposure to corporate bonds, G7 bonds and to the shortest-dated European government instruments.

The new products include iShares Barclays Euro Aggregate Bond, iShares Barclays Euro Corporate Bond, iShares Barclays Euro Corporate Bond, iShares Barclays Euro Treasury Bond 0-1 and iShares Citigroup Global Government Bond.

iShares Barclays Euro Aggregate Bond provides exposure to a basket of euro denominated investment grade bonds, including treasury bonds, securitised bonds and corporate bonds.

iShares Barclays Euro Corporate Bond provides exposure to a diversified basket of Euro-denominated investment grade corporate bonds. Inclusion in the fund is based on the currency of the issue and not the domicile of the issuer.

iShares Barclays Euro Treasury Bond 0-1 provides exposure to a diversified basket of Euro-denominated government bond with maturities ranging from 0-12 months.

iShares Citigroup Global Government Bond provides broad international exposure to around 500 government bonds issued by the G7 countries. It is designed to track the Citigroup G7 World Government bond index.