INX has signed a $500,000 contract from National Western Life Insurance to virtualise their Data Center. National Western Life Insurance Company (NWLIC) undertook a data center refresh project, that will replace and virtualise existing servers and consolidate resources.

The NWLIC project is a solution that has been designed to use VMware ESX hosts on Dell servers. The project will produce a substantial ROI created by leveraging virtualisation technology to minimise costs, and get the benefits of increased efficiency and performance.

Marc Hemann, Network Manager, NWLIC, said: “For us, INX is a single comprehensive organisation that we can count on to deliver every aspect of our projects.”

Don Smith, Regional Vice President, INX, said: “The growth of our infrastructure and data center expertise coupled with our delivery framework has propelled INX from a company that delivers point products to an organisation that takes a customer’s need and develops a roadmap to deliver a comprehensive solution.”