The poll, conducted at a recent event for the company’s investment manager clients, shows that nearly all participants (88%) are optimistic about their firms’ business prospects over the next three years.

There are a number of reasons behind the optimism, but positive market expectations (29%) and firm-specific strengths, such as superior performance (22%) and well-respected brands (19%), were cited most frequently.

For the minority of managers (12%) expressing concern about their prospects, weak distribution strategies and insufficient distribution resources were the biggest concerns.

The poll revealed that while many managers are optimistic, they are not complacent, with many firms making investments in the areas of operations, marketing and distribution, and client service.

In fact, the vast majority of managers polled have already taken steps, or have plans to take steps, to improve their growth potential, with 84% making material personnel or technology investments to enhance client service, according to the poll.

The top areas for investment in 2011 cited in the poll include: hiring of additional marketing and distribution personnel (34%), back office operations and technology (28%), and compliance and regulatory functions (17%).