The strategy addresses the entire payment transaction process including data in flight, data at rest and architecture. The strategy has three core components namely technology, people and partners.

Ingenico’s On-Guard Card Acceptance encryption technology will be embedded within the entire line of new Ingenico payment devices deployed in North America as standard security functionality to provide secure data capture and transmission at the point of card acceptance.

Ingenico engaged security experts such as Jacques Stern, chairman of Ingenico, Christophe Dolique, EVP of Ingenico and chairman of SPVA and Deborah Dixson, the former chief information security officer of Best Buy and currennt senior vice president of security solutions of Ingenico, North America to help craft and deliver secure solutions for retailers.

Ingenico aims to help merchants find solutions that reduce their PCI-Compliance footprint by providing a secure transaction process. The company is forming strategic relationships with key implementation partners experienced in delivering security solutions to merchants to increase the likelihood of an on-time, on-budget deployment of custom security solutions.

Christopher Justice, president of Ingenico in North America, said: “Our new security strategy will focus on delivering complete solutions meaning Ingenico will provide full support to its customers from initial environment security audits to on-field security and remote device management for key rotation and software upgrades Our core technology applications are created and tested by a global team of cryptology experts and will offer multiple layers of security including our On-Guard Card Acceptance and contactless encryption as a standard with no per transaction charges.”

Deborah Dixson, senior vice president of security solutions at Ingenico in North America, said: “We are designing and will deliver solutions that merchants are looking for and need to keep their investments safe, their customers happy, and protect their brand from becoming a fraud casualty.”