Shri M. S. Raghavan, CMD, IDBI Bank inaugurated the site in the presence of S/Shri B.K. Batra and M.O. Rego, DMDs and other senior officials of the Bank.

As per laid out norms, the Primary Data Centre (DC) and Disaster Recovery (DR) Centre have to be housed in different seismic zones, for obvious reasons.

While this provides the required redundancy, accepted Recovery Point Objective (RPO)/ Recovery Time Objective (RTO) of about 30 minutes entail a data loss in case of a ‘failover’.

This necessitates location of a Near DR Centre, with synchronous replication, which will enable zero data loss and instant ‘switchover’.

Speaking at the inauguration, Shri Raghavan affirmed "after implementation of the Near DR site, the data would be captured first at the Near DR site followed by DC and then DR site, thereby guaranteeing 100% synchronization or availability of the transactional data.

This will ensure zero data loss for critical transactions, thereby helping to quell reputation risk and enhance stakeholder confidence."