In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the bank said that the reductions are scheduled to be substantially complete by the month end.

Huntington Bancshares spokeswoman Maureen Brown said the bank has restructured few internal functions to improve the long-term efficiency.

"Fewer than 200 colleagues have been affected across our 11 markets or six states.

"Affected colleagues will be given transition pay and outplacement services."

Huntington Bancshares employed 12,000 people as of 30 June, which was down 63 from the previous year, according to the bank’s recent quarterly report.

In the regulatory filing, the bank also announced its plans to invest some of the savings from the layoffs into operations, but did not indicate the location that would lose a significant number of workers.

"Huntington will continue to invest in initiatives to grow revenue and improve productivity," the filing noted.