RBC Dexia Investor Services has been awarded a mandate by HSBC Bank Australia to provide international investor services for its Global Investments business. HSBC Global Investments is the institutional wealth management arm of HSBC Bank Australia and distributes the international asset management capabilities of the HSBC Group to institutional clients and wholesale platforms in Australia.

Charles Genocchio, head of Global Investments at HSBC Bank Australia, said: This mandate extends the successful international relationship that HSBC already has with RBC Dexia globally. The strength of its global operational platform combined with its focus on a strategic vision for client service made RBC Dexia a logical choice.

David Travers, managing director of RBC Dexia Investor Services in Australia, said: We are very pleased to be selected by HSBC Bank Australia for this mandate and look forward to a long and mutually rewarding partnership. We are confident that our strong client-oriented culture and multi-market experience with HSBC products means we are well-equipped to deliver the excellent standard of service they have come to expect from us.

HSBC Global Investments offers products from HSBC Global Asset Management, including Halbis (active management specialist) and Sinopia (quantitative specialist), as well as HSBC Alternative Investments Limited (HSBC’s hedge fund specialist) and HSBC Principal Investments Limited (infrastructure, private equity and unlisted real estate specialist).