The firms have launched a pilot project, Global payments made easy with an aim to offer integrated payment options with Hanse Orga’s FinanceSuite Payment Management, available to all Hanse Orga clients that are using the SAP-certified software solution.

Hanse Orga board member Stephan Benkendorf said, "We are glad to be able to create ideal conditions for European corporates to efficiently and securely process their global payments via this intelligent connection. Countries such as Korea, China, and Thailand can now be easily connected."

Hanse Orga head of payments and cash management sales Franz-Xaver Puy Michl said, "We are happy that together with our partner Hanse Orga we can make our global service available to European customers. Our long-standing expertise in local markets couple with a modern system integration of the payment systems can leverage a direct benefit for Dialog Semiconductor."