Temenos said Triple’A Plus’ portfolio management and analysis functionality will enable wealth managers to perform more detailed analysis and evaluations of cash flow, revenue and performance.
In addition, German bank plans to use Triple’A Plus to merge its individual advisory services with a secure online banking portal to provide clients 24×7 access to their portfolio to monitor and evaluate the status and performance of their assets.
The portal also enables clients of Bankhaus Main to generate and download detailed performance reports to monitor the success of their investment strategy and wealth manager.
According to the Temenos, the Triple’A Plus is a front and middle-office private wealth management solution combining advanced portfolio management and client data management functionalities in a single browser-based application.
Bankhaus Main Asset Management CEO Jost Weil said the selected platform fulfills not only its current but also future requirements in wealth management. With the internet portal the bank is providing its clients prompt and detailed information so that they can evaluate their investment risks better.