Franklin Templeton Real Asset Advisors (FTRAA) global real estate and infrastructure securities director and the fund co-lead portfolio manager Wilson Magee said that the fund offers investors an opportunity to participate in the current growth potential of the global listed infrastructure market.

Seeking total investment returns, comprising income and capital appreciation, Franklin Global Listed Infrastructure Fund invests in the securities of infrastructure-related firms, whose principal business is the ownership, management, construction, operation, utilization or financing of infrastructure assets, globally.

Magee and his co-lead portfolio manager Jack Foster, are supported by an experienced team of five regional research analysts focused on Europe, Asia, Australia, the US and the Americas.

Leveraging the FTRAA’s research and local expertise, the fund aims to shape its investment strategies, which would include companies across the infrastructure-related sectors of utilities, transportation and energy.

Foster commented, "Retail investors can now have a similar opportunity to potentially earn income and capital appreciation through the growing publically-traded listed-infrastructure market, but at a much lower entry point."