The Exchange Council of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange has decided to take appropriate measures to make the stock exchange competitive in Europe. Hence, the management board has been instructed to expand and internationalise electronic trading with the Xetra system on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Now that trading in mutual funds and structured products has been introduced to the specialist model on Xetra, a pan-European offering on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is also to be created for further securities classes on Xetra. However, no decision has yet been made concerning the future of lead broker trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

The Exchange Council called for a fundamental reform to safeguard long-term positioning. On this basis, the Exchange Council confirmed the allocation rules for the equity order books at its meeting. Equity order books are to be allocated to the authorized lead brokers on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in September 2009, for a further regular 30-month period (until 2012).

Regardless of which market model is to be used in the future (lead brokers in floor trading, Xetra specialists required to be present in the Trading Hall), the Exchange Council established that there is no doubt that trading in the Trading Hall will continue.