The Link will electronically interconnect participating ASEAN exchanges to facilitate cross-border order routing and trading, enabling investors and members access ASEAN markets via a single connection.

SunGard said it will supply the infrastructure for the network based on its Valdi trading solution suite.

The Valdi suite provides multi-asset class order management, market access, liquidity and compliance management, as well as hosted services.

Through a central point of connection to the ASEAN trading link, hosted by SunGard in Singapore, investors will be able to route orders to the four exchanges and receive market data from each of them.

The ASEAN trading link will also be connected to the SunGard Global Network (SGN), so that global brokers and investors can send orders to participating ASEAN members.

SunGard president of global trading business Raj Mahajan said SunGard has supported the growing demand for access to the ASEAN marketplaces for many years via their SGN and Valdi trading solutions.

"We will now work with the ASEAN exchanges to tailor these technologies to their requirements," Mahajan said.