Fiserv said its clients can now benefit from the expertise and skills of MPA’s overlay management team while maintaining in-house, the portfolio management and trading platform and related suite of Fiserv wealth management solutions.

According to Fiserv, its clients will now also be able to access a number of asset management strategies from Natixis Asset Management Advisors, which include tax-managed portfolios, enhanced-index and index-replication strategies and socially responsible overlays.

Cheryl Nash, senior vice president of Strategic Marketing and Product Development, Investment Services, Fiserv, said the MPA overlay team has a proven track record of successful overlay portfolio management, implementing an extensive and unique roster of third-party manager models across dozens of asset classes and investment vehicle types.

"The combination of its overlay expertise and our portfolio management platform will offer UMA program providers-such as broker-dealer sponsors, turnkey asset management programs (TAMPs) and private banks-a best-in-class ‘portfolio implementation’ process that can be tailored for all client types and wealth platform configurations," Nash said.

MPA is an overlay management firm and provides a comprehensive service that encompasses product development, multi-vehicle, multi-asset class portfolio construction, model implementation and management, restrictions and tax management, trade optimization and client service.