With this partnership, Unified Wealth Management Platform from Fiserv will incorporate two LifeYield solutions that is will enhance an advisor’s ability to maximize asset growth, generate more income for clients and do so in less time, claims Fiserv.

LifeYield ROI is a tax-smart calculation engine that suggests the tax-efficient sequence to grow and withdraw assets across multiple taxable and tax-advantaged accounts.

LifeYield Illustrator helps advisors visually show investors how they can achieve better results.

Fiserv said it will now offer broker-dealers, asset managers and advisors an aggregated view of their clients’ many taxable, tax-advantaged and non-taxable accounts.

Fiserv Investment Services senior vice president of Strategic Marketing and Product Development Cheryl Nash said by linking a household’s many taxable, tax-advantaged and non-taxable accounts into one aggregated view, they move one step closer to providing the industry’s first true unified managed household solution.