The loan servicing platform investor rules offer flexible, user-defined decisioning and the ability to quickly implement change across the servicing enterprise. Since the rules are stored centrally, all of the information required to invoke them is located entirely within the system.

Sharon Parrish, senior business systems analyst for Bank of the West, said: “The online, real-time investor services from Fiserv allow us to see our portfolio positions at any time, without having to wait for overnight data updates. As a result, we can maintain complete control over investor accounting and reporting and have been able to implement a more efficient and lower cost means to create, modify and add new business processes.”

Norwood Sloan, assistant vice president of mortgage product line at Fiserv, said: “Our integrated, rule-enabled investor accounting functionality not only improves business controls and efficiencies but also provides greater control over a lender’s investor relationships. Tools within the software let servicers create unique investor profiles that ensure guidelines are followed for every loan product across the portfolio.

Unlike a traditional rules engine, our process allows lenders to manage the rules based on specific business needs. Fiserv has replaced the typical day-old data generated by legacy batch systems with investor accounting functionality that is much more flexible because the data is available in real -time. Aside from reducing the time it takes to define and run reports, real-time access makes it easier to construct planning scenarios.”