The Tradalyzer combines a set of industry-standard benchmarks together with the consolidated view of the trading landscape provided by the Fidessa Fragulator to provide an accurate and independent assessment of individual trades and trading strategies.

The European trading community currently has no independent benchmark to validate trading performance in the complex and highly fragmented post-MiFID environment.

The Tradalyzer allows market participants of all types to better understand their execution quality and meet the growing demands for transparency from buy-side clients, investors and regulators, said the company.

The Tradalyzer enables brokers to understand the effectiveness of their smart routing technology and provide independent validation of the quality of their execution service.

At the same time, the Tradalyzer empowers the buy-side by giving them the facts they need to compare their trading outcome against the market. It enables them to review broker performance and make more informed decisions about how and where to trade.

In addition, the Tradalyzer gives trading venues of all types the ability to monitor their performance against the rest of the market, track competitor activity and demonstrate the value they offer.

Fidessa director of Group Strategy Steve Grob said market participants struggle to navigate the highly complex trading landscape without an independent, consolidated view of the market. Whilst some direction will eventually come from the regulators, the way forward is far from clear.

"Appraising performance in this environment is extremely challenging, but Fidessa’s Tradalyzer provides independent analysis across the lit and dark spectrum that has emerged in the wake of MiFID. It brings greater intelligence and deeper insight to the analysis of the trading process," Grob said.