According to the company, this new feature brings additional real-time analytics to the user desktop enabling US brokers to enhance the profitability of their execution strategies and strengthen their buy-side client relationships.

Fidessa’s ECA solution consists of a cost-tracking engine that provides traders with real-time analysis of the exact costs of executing each order without affecting execution performance.

It calculates, categorizes and aggregates spending per trader by share and venue, and also tracks the profit margins for each client, again by share and by venue, claims the company.

ECA will provide traders real-time, actionable information on the impact of their decisions regarding trading destinations and counterparties, and enables them to take control of their venue execution costs across complex billing structures and multiple liquidity sources.

Fidessa US COO Justin Llewellyn-Jones said this new ECA functionality demonstrates that commitment and is part of a larger initiative to integrate further business intelligence into the trading process. This will allow for an enhanced degree of visibility and control over daily operations and trading strategies on a real-time basis.