BOX’s ultra-low latency matching engine can be accessed from hubs in Chicago and New York and participants wishing to connect at NY4 can arrange space directly through Equinix. The addition of BOX to the Equinix Financial eXhange ecosystem opens up new business opportunities and relationships to all community members through Equinix’s cross-connect services.

Alan Grigoletto, senior vice president of BOX, said: “Equinix provides a healthy exchange ecosystem – in essence a ‘living reef’ – where all participants can access additional data feeds and other technology vendors via cross-connects, and where market makers, high-frequency traders and order flow providers can co-exist.”

John Knuff, head of business development at Equinix, said: “We welcome BOX to the Equinix NY campus and to our Financial eXchange ecosystem that provides the choices that help them to deliver their optimized transaction performance, the highest levels of security and an opportunity to meet their strategic growth initiatives when needed. Its move to Equinix further benefits our existing community members who may want to connect with the Boston Options Exchange.”