EMCF joins EuroCCP, LCH.Clearnet and SIX x-clear, which offer a wide spectrum of clearing options to Turquoise members for trading on its pan-European equities platform.

Based on markets, users can pick up Central Counterparty (CCP) to clear their business, leveraging efficient cross-market netting opportunities for those able to consolidate their clearing business with one CCP and lowers the end-to-end cost of trading for investors.

Commenting on the launch of new services, Turquoise CEO Adrian Farnham claimed the platform to be the first to offer flexibility in selecting separate clearing houses for trading in different countries.

"Bringing EMCF on-board further underlines our commitment to innovation and the development of a competitive, customer-focused post trade landscape," Farnham added.

EMCF CEO Jan Booij said the offering will reduce the cost of trading while both customers and Turquoise can benefit from the EMCF advantage.