The classification system is composed of a bridging manual linking the ECB’s monetary and financial statistics requirements with the supervisory reporting templates (Finrep and Corep) developed by CEBS.
The system also contains a database that will help reporting agents and other users identify the similarities and differences between data for ECB statistical purposes and data for financial supervisors in the context of the CEBS framework. However, the relational database is available upon request.
The classification system was prepared by the Joint Expert Group on Reconciliation (JEGR) of credit institutions’ statistical and supervisory reporting requirements, established jointly by the European System of Central Banks’ (ESCB) statistics committee and banking supervision committee together with CEBS.
The ECB’s statistics on monetary financial institutions’ balance sheets and interest rates are based on the European System of Accounts (ESA 95). The framework established by CEBS for the reporting of financial and supervisory information is compliant with international accounting standards and capital adequacy data requirements. Reconciliation of these two frameworks has the potential to bring about a reduction of the reporting burden and further enhance the quality of data.
The new classification system (comprising the manual and the relational database) has helped the ESCB and CEBS to improve coherence between the two frameworks and identify cases where reconciliation is possible. A number of reconciliation proposals are already in the process of being implemented by the ECB and CEBS. The proposals aim to bring the frameworks closer to each other with respect to important aspects such as instrument definitions and classification, sector classification, consolidation and accounting rules.
The new classification system is expected to facilitate a better understanding of the links between different data frameworks and creates synergies between datasets originally designed for different purposes.
Moreover, the ECB and CEBS will continue to maintain and further enhance the classification system over time, in particular in view of forthcoming amendments to the Finrep and Corep templates as well as potentially relevant changes to the ECB statistical reporting framework.