As part of the partnership, Dubai Bank has been authorised to receive payments on behalf of DED, including all government-related fees for licensing and renewal. Dubai Bank plans to develop bespoke platforms for both institutional and retail customers.

The partnership agreement mandates the establishment of a single-counter fee collection service for DED through all Dubai Bank branches and additional online payment services through Dubai Bank’s e-banking channels.

Mohamed Amiri, head of retail banking of Dubai Bank, said: “The agreement with DED is in line with Dubai Bank’s commitment to leading innovation in customer service and banking technology platforms within the UAE. We have already activated the new service, whereby all payables in favour of the department are being received through in-house teller services provided by Dubai Bank at all its branches. This agreement further broadens the scope of our partnership with DED, resulting in added convenience for DED’s clients and an efficient payment mechanism for the department itself.

“Additionally, this agreement enables our customers to make all their DED-related payments through Dubai Bank’s electronic channels. Further, this will be accomplished through a secure integration of the bank’s electronic systems with that of DED, ensuring a safe electronic gateway for our customers. We look forward to rolling out this initiative with DED, as we continue to explore new avenues to offer even greater value and service to our customers.”