The innovative AUTO BANKING provides over 100 fully automated service options 24/7. As the major service terminal, GRGBanking’s cash recycler supports cash deposit, withdrawal, bill payment, interbank transfer and currency exchange.

Internet and phone banking are also available in AUTO BANKING to facilitate non-cash transactions. What’s more, spacious chamber and security guard offer more comfortable and secure transaction environment as compared to ordinary ATM booth.

So far, there are 42 AUTO BANKING branches have already been established across the country. According to the bank’s roadmap, this number is expected to increase to 80 by next month, and will reach 150 by the end of this year.

It’s a significant step forward in the field of banking automation in Vietnam.

Mr. Tran PhungBinh, Vice Chairman and CEO of DongA Bank, said the implementation of this AUTO BANKING project, represents the bank’s determined commitment to invest in the latest technology in order to bring the best services to its customers.

The bank together with its partner GRGBanking, spent 8 months’ efforts to add the unique security feature of capturing each processed banknote’s serial number to its cash recyclers. This Serial Number Tracking service helps customer keep a record of the notes for each transaction, provides an effective proof to solve any dispute to improve customers’ confidence.