Discover Quick Chip will reduce the time a chip card needs to remain in the point-of-sale terminal, making the checkout process more convenient for merchants and cardholders.

Discover Quick Chip provides merchants and acquirers with an additional option when processing chip card payments.

Discover Quick Chip will reduce terminal certification requirements and be compatible with the technical standards offered by other payment networks, so merchants can seamlessly offer cardholders a faster checkout experience across all chip cards they accept.

Discover chip center of excellence head Ellie Smith said: "Discover is providing this new option in order to offer merchants and cardholders a streamlined checkout experience.

"This initiative further expands and complements Discover’s wide range of existing programs that support chip deployment."

Discover Quick Chip is another example of Discover’s long-running commitment to support merchants and acquirers in the US EMV migration.

The current programs range from focusing on industry education and training to streamlined certification initiatives, including access to multiple approved certification service providers, acquirer self-certification and dedicated support for value added resellers.

Merchants that want to upgrade their terminals to include Discover Quick Chip should contact their acquirer, payment processor, or point-of-sale provider.