In order to increase consumer convenience, Diebold will initiate the replacement of 150 of the bank’s existing ATMs with Opteva terminals and will begin to upgrade the remainder of the fleet.

Diebold said the technology will enable consumers to complete secure, envelope-free check and cash deposits. These automated deposits will also enable First National Bank to more quickly post funds to customers’ accounts.

With Diebold’s Agilis Campaign Office software, First National Bank will be able to provide more personalized, relationship-enhancing experiences at the ATM. The bank will be able to personalize on-screen marketing messages by region and even by individual card users.

This will enable First National Bank to develop targeted messages based on local offers and individual interests, creating an ATM experience tailored to each customer.

To enhance ATM security and compliance, Diebold will incorporate its ATM Endpoint Protection by Symantec and software deployment services to help the bank meet PCI (Payment Card Industry) standards and to help protect against malware attacks.

ATM card readers will feature advanced skimming detection technology. In addition, Diebold will incorporate consumer awareness mirrors, Encrypting PIN Pads and fraud-resistive dispensers and card readers into the ATMs.

First National Bank will also increase convenience by using Diebold Advisor®, a managed service that monitors ATM availability. The service automatically sends detailed status messages to Diebold’s monitoring center. Operators can then attempt a remote fix or dispatch a service provider, helping to increase ATM availability.

Diebold US sales and service operations vice president Mychal Kempt said an outsourced solution allows First National Bank of Pennsylvania to deploy a full array of solutions that will enhance security and the user experience at the ATM.