FinEX Asia was established in 2017 to connect Asian investors with US consumer lending assets, such as credit card loans.

FinEX Asia combines its risk management expertise with Dianrong's advanced fintech capabilities to give Asian investors access to a diverse and attractive portfolio of U.S. consumer lending assets. FinEX Asia's fintech solutions offer advanced risk modeling capabilities, blockchain data security, performance monitoring, and secondary marketplace liquidity.

Soul Htite, Founder and CEO of Dianrong, said, "When Maggie approached Dianrong as a technology partner only a few months ago, we knew that her business vision and our proven fintech solutions were the perfect match.

"From start to finish, Dianrong engineers designed, refined and delivered a dynamic fintech platform in a matter of months. Our work with FinEX Asia further demonstrates the flexibility, scalability and speed-to-market of Dianrong's robust fintech capabilities," said Mr. Htite.

Maggie Ng, Founder and CEO of FinEX Asia said, "In collaboration with Dianrong, we have developed a versatile platform that gives investors seamless access to the U.S. consumer lending asset class and facilitates their investments with real-time monitoring and scenario-planning tools.

"Our fintech solution saw unparalleled speed-to-market thanks to our strong partnership with Dianrong. Now, investors who use FinEX Asia will benefit from our deep risk management expertise, which leverages artificial intelligence capabilities," Ms. Ng added.