Deutsche Postbank’s core business in London is corporate lending for commercial real estate (CRE).
Previous to implementing the IBM analytics system, CRE reporting for the bank was time consuming and involved multiple staff to manually collect data from disparate sources.
Through IBM technology, the Deutsche Postbank London branch will have a single view of business information which helps them to make decisions based on up to date information.
The completion of the the system has led to plans to extend it to the bank’s finance operations, analysing loan and interest data, and performing ‘what-if’ scenarios using graphical data.
Deutsche Postbank head of IT Clarel Sookun said that the system has really proved its worth by reducing the time it takes to produce reports for CRE from hours to minutes and they are ‘accurate to the penny’.
"The IBM system allows us to centrally store actual and reconciled data and gives us the ability to produce further management reporting at a higher quality level.
"The bank is now able to analyse data in different formats and produce subsets of reports as and when required, which used to be a very labor intensive task. Implementing the system also unexpectedly highlighted inaccuracies in our existing data and we are now confident in consistent, high quality reporting. The beauty of the new system is that it can also integrate with our existing systems," Sookun said.