Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management has added the Germany Hedged Equity Fund (DBGR) to the db X-trackers platform, to provide investors direct exposure to the German equity markets while minimising fluctuation in currency exposure.

Prior to the introduction of DBGR, investors could only access the German stock market through unhedged exchange traded products (ETPs), subjecting the funds to fluctuations in the currency market.

Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Americas Passive Asset Management head Martin Kremenstein said that US investors wanted products with built-in protection against fluctuations between the dollar and non-US currencies that also provide pure exposure to equity markets.

"DBGR is the first ETF focused on Germany that responds to this demand," Kremenstein added.

Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management’s US ETF platform includes 53 products with approximately $12bn in assets under management.

Launched in 2006, the ETP platform ha approximately $60bn in assets under management.

As at 31 December 2012, the firm had $1.2trn of assets under management and trades as the brand name for the Asset Management & Wealth Management-division of Deutsche Bank AG and its subsidiaries.