The solution will be fully managed by BankServ’s service bureau and provides a comprehensive suite of software, hardware and services Dell needs now and in the future. Dell can streamline the multiple systems and protocols used to transmit payment and financial transactions to its banks worldwide.

The BankServ TurboSwift solution includes connectivity to two SWIFT services, FIN and FileAct, with essential operations and support services that Dell needs immediately. Professional project management and implementation services will be provided throughout the project, as well as 24/7 technical support for ongoing upgrades, disaster recovery and essential maintenance requirements.

Gary Bischoping, VP and treasurer at Dell, said: “The SWIFT network is an ideal way to consolidate multiple systems and will enable us to reduce costs and enable future integration with our back-office treasury systems that provide us with critical cash position visibility.”

Mary Ellen Putnam, VP and GM at BankServ, said: “Access to SWIFT for multi-bank connectivity has become essential for multinational corporations. BankServ’s TurboSwift solution provides a comprehensive solution that will make it easier and quicker for Dell to realize the benefits of using SWIFT, while providing a secure and reliable platform that eliminates the need for multiple systems and reduces ongoing operational costs.”