CWT has also deployed Global Plus’ Web-based front- and middle-office workstation for administration of client accounts, which will enable it access client information, manage and monitor transactions, and retrieve documents, claims CWT.

According to CWT, it has more than $6bn of assets under administration and serves clients of all sizes by delivering flexible, value-added solutions for retirement trustee and custodial needs.

CWT vice president and general manager Matt Colpitts said SunGard’s Global Plus was chosen as the firm’s processing solution because it helps to further personalize services while supporting continued business growth.

"The system is already helping increase our operational efficiency and scale to manage our growing portfolio, while helping us to continue to deliver the high level of service that our clients are accustomed to," Colpitts added.

A wholly owned subsidiary of Canadian Western Bank, CWT provides self-directed registered accounts and investment accounts services to independent financial advisors, mortgage brokers and individuals.