CWCapital Investments, a subsidiary of CW Financial Services and a full service commercial real estate investment manager and advisor, was appointed by controlling class MBIA as replacement collateral manager for RFC CDO 2007-1. RFC CDO 2007-1 is an approximately $1 billion revolving CRE CDO invested as follows: commercial mortgage whole loans and A notes (54%), CMBS (21%), B-Notes (12%), Mezzanine loans (12%) and CRE CDOs (1%).

Reporteldy, the addition of RFC CDO 2007-1 increases CWCI’s assets under management, as collateral manager or disposition consultant, to $12 billion. With this appointment, CWCI currently manages or serves as disposition consultant for 13 CRE CDO and re-REMIC transactions.

Charles Spetka, CEO of CW Financial Services, said: “We have made several key hires over the past year aimed at strengthening our expertise in handling various investment vehicles. The combined depth of intellectual resources, experience in managing structured transactions, and expertise of our Risk Management platform – offering valuation, portfolio optimization and credit risk management solutions- has our group uniquely positioned to take on tasks such as this CDO management assignment.”