CSC has signed an agreement with the Department of Defense (DoD) to cooperate regarding cyber security and threats. CSC is one of the private sector companies in the defense industrial base that support DoD programs.

The company is one among a small initial group of companies to sign the agreement as a member of the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Program.

The company said that the agreement is a further step in safeguarding defense information that is important to US defense and national security.

Under the agreement, the DoD and CSC will collaborate concerning third party attempts to attack network systems. DoD and DIB Program members will use lessons learned to improve risk management of critical network infrastructures. In addition, the technical practices are developed within the DIB Program to improve the protection and security of information.

Reportedly, the DoD and CSC will build a framework to characterise cyber threats to the defense industrial base to support the development of measures to combat and mitigate these threats.

David McCue, chief information officer of CSC, said: As a major provider of IT outsourcing and infrastructure support for the DoD and many of the companies in the defense industrial base, CSC’s proactive approach to cyber security will aid our clients as they implement their own agreements with the DoD.

“Of equal importance, our approach will help clients worldwide safeguard critical infrastructures vital to their missions and the customers they serve in energy, healthcare, transport, finance and other sectors.