Ikaros Solar designs and creates solar power plants on the roofs of particularly industrial and commercial buildings. It has created installations for amongst others Ikea, Philips, Carrefour and Johnson & Johnson.

With this deal, Credit Agricole Private Equity and Ikaros Solar have decided to strengthen their existing ties, established in 2010 within the framework of Ikaros Solar Park I, the roof-mounted solar power installations holding company owned by Capenergie 2 and two Belgian investment funds.

The holding company is intended to invest in the photovoltaic assets developed by Ikaros Solar.

With an investment capacity of €15m, its aim is to own a portfolio of over 30 MWp and it has already invested in a 1 MWp roof-mounted power system on roof-tops belonging to the Belgian federal government.

Ikaros Solar chairman Yves Devis said that the company delighted to be able to benefit from the expertise of Credit Agricole Private Equity, which will enable the company to step up the international expansion and help to make Ikaros Solar one of the market leaders in solar energy in Europe.

Credit Agricole Private Equity head of renewable energy Serge Savasta said that the this is the renewable energy team’s first investment in Belgium and the third outside France

"It fits in with our selective approach towards expanding our international activities. We are targeting in particular European countries with a pro-active and clear strategy in terms of renewable energies," Savasta said.