Online Resources, a provider of online financial services, and CO-OP Financial Services (CO-OP), a California-based credit union, have entered into a reseller agreement for internet banking, bill payment and other online services.

Reportedly, Online Resources’ Unite Financial Services Suite will be available over CO-OP’s Next Generation Network (NGN) technology platform, enabling CO-OP’s more than 1,200 shared branch clients to implement a new online services.

Carroll Beach, president/COO of Shared Branching at CO-OP, said: “This addition to the NGN network provides our shared branch clients with best-in-suite online banking and bill pay services, which are critical to staying competitive.”

Matthew Lawlor, chairman and CEO of Online Resources, said: “As the leading credit union service organization, CO-OP places the highest priority on providing their clients with the innovative technology necessary to meet members’ rowing needs. We are pleased to partner with COOP to continue to provide credit unions the online tools and support necessary for a successful online channel.”