The implementation of new technology has leveraged the bank to provide a bunch of mobile banking services which include a smartphone application, a mobile Web service and an SMS/text banking service.

Conestoga Bank executive vice president and COO Lori Adamski said that its mobile banking service is all about convenience.

"Making banking more convenient and available on all the platforms our customers are using makes sense as the mobile channel continues to evolve. We’re pleased to be able to offer technology such as this to serve our customers better," Adamski said.

"We chose this structure because we see mobile as the future of banking, and wanted the flexibility to align our delivery channels perfectly with our target market and customer demographics."

Additionally, the bank has unveiled mobile deposit, facilitating smartphone users to click a picture of a check and deposit it into their accounts without visiting the branch.

mFoundry’s mobile banking solution is now used by 10 million users across more than 650 financial institutions nationwide, including one-third of the major 50 banks in the US.