The bank said that the new application turns traditional rows of numbers into rich graphs and visual representations of consumer accounts and transactions, enabling consumers to check balances, manage cash flow, pay bills, transfer funds and access rewards.

The tool has been assembled with a Kindle Fire’s seven-inch, full-colour touch screen.

Using the Android operating system, the application has been built with every component, graphic, touch action, button and slider customized to the tablet’s modified operating system, form factor, screen size and resolution, claims Citi.

The application features includes plan cash outflows with the help of a unique interactive chart of past and future payments and transfers, analyze personal spending habits through automatically generated, customizable charts of payee spending.

Personal spending habits with general consumer data, filtering by location, age group, and income bracket and purchase category can also be compared.

The bank has also introduced two other new mobile banking solutions such as Mobile Check Deposit and Citibank Popmoney.

Using Citi Mobile application, Mobile Check Deposit enables consumers to use their iPhone, iPod touch or Android device to deposit checks, irreverent to their place.

Mobile users are only needed to sign the check, take photos of the front and back, and submit them for verification using the application.

Citibank Popmoney assist users to send money wherever they are, through the Citi Mobile application to people they have set up as payees on Citibank Online.