Res Gen will trade in the OTC marketplace, under the symbol RSGNY.

Res Gen’s ordinary shares are listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Each ADR represents four ordinary shares.

Through its securities and fund Services business, Citi offers issuers of debt and equity, globally consistent capabilities, and local expertise.

Global Transaction Services, offers integrated cash management, trade, and securities and fund services to multinational corporations, financial institutions and public sector organizations around the world.

Resource Generation managing director Paul Jury said the ADR programme will assist Res Gen in continuing to broaden the shareholder base internationally.

"We are pleased to have appointed Citi as our depositary bank, and know that their expertise with ADRs and the strength of the Investor Relations team will help to ensure the success of the programme," Jury said.

Global head of securities and fund services client sales management Dirk Jones said by matching Citi’s local Australian expertise with Citi’s global distribution network and investor relations expertise, they are confident that they can help Res Gen increase its program visibility in the market.