Chi-X Global, a holding company for regional Chi-X market centers and the Chi-Tech technology solutions provider, has added Christopher Brown and Raks Sondhi to its Asia-Pacific sales team. Both will be responsible for driving business development efforts across Asia-Pacific, ensuring that market participants are aware of Chi-X Global’s product developments in the region.

Mr Brown, based in Hong Kong, will service traditional long-only investment firms. He joins Chi-X Global from mergermarket (part of the Financial Times Group), where he served as a managing director and head of sales.

Mr Sondhi, based in Singapore, will work with the high-frequency and quantitative investment community. Both will report directly to Ronald Gould, CEO of Chi-X Asia-Pacific. He joins Chi-X Global from Nomura, where he worked in its statistical arbitrage prime services business.

Mr Gould said: “We see great opportunities to deliver savings through the Chi-X model to investors in Asia-Pacific. Mr. Brown and Mr. Sondhi bring a wealth of experience and relationships throughout the region that will be valuable in spearheading our business development efforts, and we’re glad to welcome them aboard.”