Chi-X Global Technology, the technology services unit of Chi-X Global, will deploy messaging technology from 29West in the low-latency market data delivery infrastructure of the company’s MarketPrizm service. 29West is a provider of low-latency messaging solutions for financial institutions,

29West Messaging is a lightweight system designed to serve as a messaging fabric for the high-performance, high-volume applications.

Chi-Tech’s MarketPrizm business provides a trading infrastructure solution, powered by an optimized network linking 19 markets and locations. Designed as a European trading ‘ecosystem’ for use by banks and investment firms, MarketPrizm provides neutral access to the region’s market centers, low latency market data and a range of third-party applications and services.

Mark Mahowald, president and founder of 29West, said: “We’re excited that 29West Messaging will help power the low-latency performance of market data delivery in MarketPrizm. Lowering system latency delivers immense value to firms trading in today’s markets, and 29West is happy to bring our unique expertise in this area to help provide competitive advantage to Chi-Tech’s MarketPrizm customers.”