Central 1 Credit Union has selected Keynote Transaction Perspective and Mobile Application Perspective from Keynote Systems to monitor and optimise critical online services provided to customers of MemberDirect, Central 1’s hosted online banking services used by financial institutions across Canada.

Keynote Systems said that Central 1 Credit Union (Central 1) leverages Transaction Perspective to monitor and optimise performance of MemberDirect services, its hosted online banking service used by financial institutions for businesses and consumers. It employs Mobile Application Perspective (MAP) in a similar manner for its short message service (SMS) which allows end users to text their financial institution to obtain their balance and recent transactions.

Keynote Systems also said that MemberDirect Services use both of these Keynote services during QA testing to optimise performance for new products as well as test performance after an upgrade and on an ongoing basis to proactively maintain high quality for its live services.

Vik Chaudhary, vice president of product management and corporate development at Keynote, said: We are pleased to be helping Central 1 test and optimise the performance of its MemberDirect hosted banking web sites and SMS services. By using Transaction Perspective for site performance monitoring and MAP for SMS performance monitoring, Central 1 can be confident that the end user experience will be world-class.