Ceelox ID Online is a software portal that integrates into a financial institution’s systems. It provides an additional layer of security that overlays a financial institution’s existing security. With two-factor authentication, financial institutions can enhance the security of online banking, wire transfer and ACH applications.

Unlike other 2-factor authentication solutions, Ceelox ID, biometric two-factor authentication, is integrated into the design, creating a real time authentication tool. In addition, the Ceelox patent pending solution eliminates replay attacks, which have been the source of the recent wave of cybercrime creating a preventative medicine approach to security.

Gerry Euston, CEO of Ceelox, said: “Given our real-time, live biometric access authentication cyber theft and replay attacks are not allowed and compromised credentials are denied.”

Nicaragua Rising, through its majority-owned operating subsidiary, Ceelox, is a developer of biometric security and encryption software solutions.