According to Datacard, the MX2000 will enable CardPro Solutions to offer debit and credit card personalisation capabilities for both smart card personalisation as well as magnetic stripe encoding in their newly opened office in India.

The MX2000 is a modular card issuance system that is capable of supporting up to nine various modules and can also personalise up to 1,200 cards per hour.

CardPro Solutions managing director Vikas Choudhary said the MX2000 system offered exact capabilities required by the company, including smart card personalisation, optical character recognition (OCR), and encoding two track magnetic stripe data for our loyalty card application.

Datacard Group provided CardPro with the MX2000 system including modular capabilities of OCR scanning, magnetic stripe encoding, smart card personalisation, indent printing, as well as embossing and topping, which enhances readability and the appearance of the embossed characters.

Datacard Group also operates a subsidiary office in Mumbai, which offer local services and support to the customers in the South Asia region.

In addition, the company also offers a Secure Issuance Anywhere platform, which provides customers the flexibility to issue, replace and deliver cards anytime, with complete security.