The new system facilitates integrated trading and risk management system and packages all trade, static and reference data with liquidity monitoring and reporting capabilities
Designed to offer intra-day, short-term and long-term liquidity management capabilities, the new technology also offers extensive cash management functionality, to address the Basel III liquidity requirements.
It collects cash flows and data from multiple systems and business units from various sources as well as models all asset classes including cash and derivatives products, thereby enabling managers to perform market data perturbations.
Developed on a single platform, the system provides treasurers the ability to manage enterprise concerns including survival horizon, asset liability distortion and intra-day liquidity usage.
Its scenario engine leverages stress testing banking products, capital market products and collateral positions and enables smooth management of liquidity risk, both operational and regulatory.
The company offers a number of integral cross-asset front-to-back office systems for treasury and derivatives including trading, risk, processing, clearing, collateral, cash management, liquidity, accounting and reporting.